Familientreffen / Family Reunion 2005


Our reunion in St.Louis was an succesfull event. It started on saturday october 22nd with a trip to Grants Farm. In the afternoon we visited Gateway Arch and the accompanying exhibition. We had a beautyfull view about the city.

In the evening we came together in the Chrystall Room of the Moissouri Athletic Club. After a warm wellcome of member Scott we had an exquisite buffett. Phyllis, Ken, Zach, Emily and me presented some interesting material about the family and the region. Allison made a special suprise - she sang a lullaby and a part of an italian opera - without any intrumental support. Late in the evening Phyllis spent a toast on the family.

It was a wonderfull party and we had a lot of fun. At the end Emily gave a signed cup to everybody as a souvenir to this event. A bar in the Union Station served some drinks for those, who a not tired enough....

On sunday morning we started with a rich breakfast at the hotel. Than we visited the Anheuser-Bush-Brauerei in St.Louis. Our sightseeing ended with some samples of the excellent beers e.g. the Budweiser. After lunch in the city we had some time to relaxe or to explore the Union Station. In the evening we had dinner together in a restaurant in Union Station.

Than the moment came to say good bye. Thanks to the organizors especially Emily and Phyllis.

Link to Photogalery

Familienforschung / Familienarchiv Roffmann